1. The vouchers are worth HK$50 or HK$100 and are only eligible for use in BaseHall, Jardine House. 2. This voucher is valid until the date specified on the voucher and will be void upon its expiry. 3. All customers are required to present original copy of the voucher at the main cashier in BaseHall to redeem the products. Photocopies of the voucher will not be accepted. Damaged or altered voucher will be invalid. 4. One or more of this voucher can be used for any transaction. 5. Each voucher can only be used once. If the value of the item(s) you purchase or order exceeds HK$50 or HK$100, depending on your voucher value, you will be required to settle any additional cost exceeding the value of the voucher presented. If the value of the item(s) you purchase or order is less than HK$50 or HK$100, depending on your voucher value, no change is allowed for any unused amount in the voucher presented and any unused amount will be forfeited. 6. This voucher is non-refundable and non-redeemable for cash, credit or other benefits or offers. 7. This certificate will not be replaced if lost or damaged. 8. Hongkong Land Limited (incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability) (“Hongkong Land”) shall not be liable for the goods, services, products or food items provided by BaseHall in this promotion. Any enquiry or complaint for the goods, services, products or food items shall be directed to the relevant operators at BaseHall. Relevant operators shall be solely responsible for all their goods, services, products and food items provided or offered to the customers. 9. The decision of Hongkong Land on all matters relating to, or in connection with, the use of certificate(s) shall be final and binding on all parties concerned. 10. Hongkong Land reserves the right to amend these terms and conditions at any time without prior notice. 11. In case of discrepancies between the English and Chinese version, the English version shall prevail.
消費禮券條款及細則 1. 本消費禮券價值港幣50元或100元,僅限於BaseHall.內使用。2. 本消費禮券之有效期顯示在消費禮券上, 逾期作廢失效。 3. 顧客須於BaseHall 總收銀台出示消費禮券正本以換領商品或服務。影印本恕不接受。損毀及更改之消費禮券無效。 4. 每次消費可使用一張或多於一張本消費禮券。 5. 本消費禮券只可使用一次,倘若消費總額超過港幣50元或100元,顧客必須支付超出之款項;倘若消費總額不足港幣50元或100元,餘額將不獲退還。 6. 本消費禮券不得退換或兌換現金、信用額、其他優惠或服務。 7. 本消費禮券若有遺失或損毀,恕不補發。8. 香港置地集團公司(於百慕達註冊成立之有限公司)(「置地公司」)對BaseHall.的運作及其提供之商品、服務、產品或食物概不承擔任何責任。對BaseHall提供之商品、服務、產品或食物有任何詢問或投訴,顧客須向有關商戶,有關之商戶須對其提供之所有商品、服務、產品或食物單獨負責。9. 置地公司就一切與使用本消費禮券之相關事項所作出的決定,均屬最終決定,並對一切有關人士具約束力。 10. 置地公司保留隨時修改本消費禮券之任何條款及細則的權利,而毋須事先通知。 11.本條款及細則之中英文版本如有任何歧義,概以英文版本為準。